To Know Christ Becoming Like Him For The Glory Of God!

Sunday Service
Worship at 10:30 am
Discipleship Classes (Sunday School)
at 9:15 am
We worship in a blended style that is founded in the Word of God and reverence to Him. We encourage families to be in worship together. Nursery is provided for ages 0-5.
The Open Table
Wednesdays Starting at 6:00Â pm to 7:30pm
The Open Table is a community meal followed by discussional Bible study for all ages. Nursery is provided for ages 0-4, and GlenHaven Kids, Youth, and adults will have group time after the meal and worship.

Children’s Ministries & Outreach
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
Our primary Children's program is held Wednesday nights (during The Open Table) from 6:00 pm -7:30 pm. Currently, we are teaching The New City Catechism.
Nursery is also provided Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.
Sunday School is offered at 9:15am for ages 6-12.
In the summer we host 'Art In The Park' an evangelistic program at Penguin Park.
All of our children's leaders are background checked and trained in safety. Parents are welcome to join!

Our Story
Serving the Kansas City North Community
At GlenHaven, we seek to be a Church that has a strong sense of family and where everyone has a part to play in God's great plan for our community. We are a group of imperfect people who love Jesus and who are passionate about making Jesus known in our families, our community, places of work, and our neighborhoods.
We love and believe fully in the Bible as God's Word, so we are serious about reading, preaching, and studying it. We meet together during the week in small groups to study God's Word, encourage one another in our Christian lives, and pray for one another.
At GlenHaven, we love the neighborhood God has placed us in. We believe that only Jesus has the power to transform our community, so we have many ministries focused on changing lives, changing our community, and changing the perception of the Church.
"But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord."
Philippians 3: 7-8

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