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Q:  How big are the classes?
A:  GlenHaven Academy is set up as one large classroom where students have their own separate offices to work. This allows the student’s privacy and helps with concentration. Students in K-1st grade have a separate classroom with their own teacher.


Q. What grades are offered at GHA? 

A.  GHA is K-12. Note, it can be a challenge for Junior or Senior aged students to transition to an ACE-style program if they have been familiar with a standard classroom environment. 


Q. Is GlenHaven Academy accredited? 

A.  All of our graduates will receive a fully accredited high school diploma through Lighthouse Christian Academy (LCA). LCA diplomas are accredited through three accreditation agencies:

  • Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS)

  • National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA)

  • Accreditation International (Ai)
    Ai is a recognized member in good standing with the Council on Occupational Education (COE) and the International Council for Education.


Q:  What is the teacher-student ratio?
A:  Our ideal ratio is 1:15. 


Q:  What are the normal school hours?
A:  Normal school hours at GHA are 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Monday through Thursday. Friday is 8:00 AM - 1:15 PM.   Doors to the school open at 7:45 AM each day.


Q:  How do I register my child?
A:   The application process is here.  We would appreciate an opportunity to visit with you in person. If you can, please call and make an appointment to visit our school. 


Q:  Do I have to be a member of GlenHaven Church to have my children in the school?
A:   No, GlenHaven Academy is open to families of like Christian faith who regularly attend a Bible-believing church.


Q:  How old does my child need to be to attend Kindergarten?
A:  In order to attend GHA as a Kindergarten student, the child must be 5 by August 1st. All students going into Kindergarten will be required to complete a reading readiness exam. 


Q:  Does GlenHaven Academy have a sports program? 
A:  Not at this time. Our first priority is to make sure the students get a quality education. However, we do believe that sports teach good character and team building. Every day the students are given an opportunity for physical activities. Our prayer would be to one day have enough students to form sports teams for levels 6-12.


Q: Will GlenHaven Academy teach evolution?

A: Once students reach the appropriate level of science, they will be introduced to  the most widely recognized theories of creation/origins and human biology. They will be shown how these theories relate with the Biblical text and our theological essentials.

Evolution will be taught as a theory, as will intelligent design, young earth creationism and old earth creationism. The original ACE curriculum teaches from a strict Young Earth creationist perspective. We do not think it is wise to teach this view only. We desire for our students to be aware and knowledgeable of all theories so they can be equipped to respond to them in the secular world. Therefore, we will supplement with other science curriculum to help provide a broader view. High School students will also be taught science from an apologetic perspective, alongside other questions of the faith.


Q: Will GlenHaven Academy teach sex education or gender fluidity?

A: No, we believe that sex education is best taught in the home/family. We will teach basic health and hygiene in the appropriate classes. Beyond this, we will always uphold a Biblical standard in regard to sex, gender, and gender roles. We reject the secular ideology that sex is subjective or relative. We believe and teach that sex and gender are both biological and God-ordained.


Q: Will GlenHaven Academy teach Critical Race Theory or other similar theories?

A: No, we only teach concepts that are aligned with Scripture.


Supplies List:



Bible (ESV or NIV preferred)

School Supplies box—No larger than a shoe box


Safety Scissors

Glue Sticks

Crayola Crayons

Crayola Coloring Pencils

Crayola Markers

Writing Pencils #2 

Change of clothes to be kept in student’s storage cubby


2nd – 12th

Bible (ACE Curriculum uses KJV, a different translation may also be brought for personal reading/study)

Pencils (#2 or mechanical)

Ball point pens (blue or black ink only)

Standard loose-leaf notebook paper

Large eraser (at least 2)


Colored pencils


School supply box 

Old t-shirt for art class (K - 8th grade)

Crayons (2nd - 6th grade)

Scissors (2nd - 6th grade)

Compass (7th - 12th grade)

Protractor (7th - 12th grade)

Change of clothes to be kept in student’s storage cubby

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4301 NE Vivion Road

©2024 by GlenHaven Church 

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